Waiting on Him and humming softly Hosanna within me, after a while I ceased and stilled myself and heard Him say, “You woo Me with songs like these.”
I waited to hear [more] but ended up saying to Him instead, “Seemingly we are mostly quiet these days...”
The Lord replied right away, “The days of dwelling in one another. You dwell in Me as you ponder and seek Me with your thoughts and heart inclinations, and I seek to hear and aid you in your musing of Me and My truths! There are different ways of communing, and this is one of them. Words are not much said but the spirit within is being filled and nourished by Me as you contemplate and dwell on Me! These moments of quietness serve to deepen your love and awareness of Me and My love for you. It Is also beneficial, just as a normal one-on-one conversation would! In this case, all happens in the Spirit: In spirit and truth!
“Do not worry when you find yourself not hearing to type from Me, I still speak to you, but in other venues, to further train you to recognize Me. So far so good!”
[Then He addresses the remaining time I have with my family...]
“Spend the rest of your days with them and recognize Me when I move you to them. It is well to finish the testimony and give it to them but don’t let fear sip in furthermore, do it all with Me. No matter what presents itself before you, a task, or a plea to help with something — do that with Me! Like that when we do it together fear loses ground, and as I am engaged in all your activities there is no room to worry.
"Life with Me is life together! You are yet to learn to yield all to Me and learn confidence to overcome those scruples and qualms of conscience as if grieving Me at all turns if something surges up unexpectedly. I recognize your crosses and will hold you up until the time has come for Me to take you home, but until then, every breath and sigh, when yielded to Me, is a fragrant aroma as you carry it for Me. It is never easy, but it is enough to sustain you onward and to make you grow in love with Me and your brethren.
[After a pause...]
“Try to continually tune in to Me and this will be your refuge in the storm, My peace will keep you and be with you on this boat. Sing! Go on humming and praising and see the clouds dissipate before you! and soon you smile as I hit your thoughts, heart, and enflame you to think of the goodness of your Lord!
“All My brides, you who deeply seek and desire Me, you will find that the allurements of the world no longer fill and feed you, they won’t be enough for you, now that you have tasted Me and My reality for you! You see, once you get a taste of Me and continually nourish yourself in Me, with your mind, soul, and spirit — the world’s pleasure and things that comforted and calmed you before — they fade as I take the stand and empty all vain and temporary and fill [in] with Myself and the eternal! This is why many of My loved ones no longer seek the things of the world, it no longer works for them — I Am their food and strength and comfort! One who seeks, finds it!
"Knock at the door with your heart and see Me before you, welcoming you within My heart. Gradually, you fall in love with your Maker and Lover! Only by experience will you truly grasp that which souls dwelling in Me experience, for at times words fall short to describe and the spirit tells everything within seconds all it feels in the Lord her God — no words needed for all is plain open and felt by all.
“Seek Me with your eyes; seek Me with your mouth in praise of heart; seek Me with your feet as you go about your days and involve Me in all things; seek Me and dwell on Me [the bible], and see how My Spirit dwelling within you tells you more of Me and My Father! See how He moves and draws you closer to Us! Then you will have a sparkle in your eyes, your face, your smile, for your whole expression will let others know you have been with God.
["Ah!" Pondering...]
“That is the lot of My people. To sit at My feet, to embrace Me, and take Me by the heart! And I remain, living and dwelling with them as we go onward with this life through good and bad. As long as they keep themselves on Me and do not stray away. Although I run after them, it is better to keep close to Me and never depart, for life then will be more challenging without Me at their side. With Me, the yoke is easy and the burden is light.
[Short pause...]
“That would be all for now. Keep on the good fight and center yourselves more in Me. You gain so much from this holy practice! Even if you were to think of things outside, involve Me in your thoughts and converse with Me about what transpires in your mind and heart, I am ever listening.”
Thank you, Lord!
"I love those who love me, and those who look for me
with much desire will find me.” — Proverbs 8:17
“Be happy in the Lord. And He will give you the desires of your heart.” — Psalm 37:4
“The Holy Writings say, ‘No eye has ever seen or no ear has ever heard or no mind has ever thought of the wonderful things God has made ready for those who love Him.” — 1 Cor. 2:9