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Holy Spirit Letter, Part 3 | Learn to Relearn

So, as a beautiful child of God, support your spiritual father and mother and flock. When they tell you to do something good, do it. If it does not fall well with you what they said for you to do, bring it to the Lord. If needed, He will adjust them. If not, you obeyed. You can murmur, you can complain, but if you humbly submit in the end, you have the victory.

The Lord will teach you many things if you are open to Him. We can question, but that does not signify we are refusing His teaching, we just seek to understand what He tries to teach us, like kids, that's how we learn. So, question for understanding, but do not slap His hand when He brings it to you.

You will "not understand it", but let it be there and let time teach you further, you will understand later. One thing is "waiting to understand", another thing is utterly rejecting His hand with the gift He has in hand for you. Totally different.

So if you wish to be pleasing to the Lord, "learn to love as you are loved", "honor and respect others, especially those in the flock you are in (members, leaders...). And foremost, "keep your oil lamp full" this can happen only by having a diligent deep root in our Beloved Jesus Christ, ALL of Him.

By your actions, thoughts, speech, you either build the Body of Christ or divide it. You either build your Family or dismantle its unity. So choose honor and respect of heart. Build yourself in this.

Loyal obedience to the Lord.

Humble obedience to the shepherds placed over you. Build up the Lord's Family just as you desire to build up your own family and have them maintained together. Each member of the Family is responsible for keeping the Unity.

And for us, the Heartdwellers Community, the Lord is calling us out of our man-made Boxes, to be Free in His Spirit just as the Early Church was.

Wherever you go, have in mind the Lord's Family, the Whole Body of Christ, even if one Part is lacking in the true teachings, in understanding, if one Part is deceived.... After you have tried to present them the Whole Truth of the Lord Jesus Christ, let them go, you have done your part. The Lord now continually takes over them, wherever they go. Your part would be to keep close to the Lord and pray for their souls.

Obedience in a community is your protection. There were moments where I have witnessed a brokenhearted leader when a soul does not do what they were asked to do, or, they delay in fulfilling the instruction given.

Delayed obedience is a delayed blessing. It frustrates the Pattern of Love.

We delay in obeying because of laziness, or other self-motives. How frustrating is that? We witness this in our own families, so we know the feeling.

I once had a situation where one of my brothers asked me to go to the attic and bring the fan down because it was summer hot and he needed it. Of my usual self I never do it (my flesh), but since I was starting to walk with the Lord, gut-real, the Holy Spirit gave me this joyful inspiration of, "Why not?" So I did as he asked, and later my other brother was stunned in a joyful amazement, exclaiming, "And you OBEYED?!!"

See the flow? One example of humble obedience given brought a vibrant cheer in the house. Since then, humble obedience among siblings or within family has become easier, because first, I was doing it for my Lord Jesus Christ. The fruit of this brought joy and a balanced peace in the air and in their minds and hearts. If I had refused to do the task asked of me, resentment and blockages would be present instead, an impediment to the Holy Spirit. We are all fed up of that negative atmosphere.

We can all brush off our laziness and act for a blessing.

Remember our Lord Jesus Christ has many bees, many honeycombs, yet all belong to Him in His territory. He has many different flowers, many certain Parts in the Garden, but all form His wide whole rich Garden. So if the Lord moves one member from our side to another field in the garden, He does as He knows best. If a soul chooses by their own will to leave the field they have been placed on, Jesus Christ watches over them. Some stay, some go if they are not at peace and do not grow in a certain part of the Field. Wherever they go, our Lord is there to watch over them as they keep near to Him.

Be flexible like the bamboo, yet you also see the bamboo is strong. If Jesus Christ bends you, you will not break.

If you are NOT bendable (teachable, apt to receive correction, sound discipline) you will break.

Sharp discipline you WILL experience, sharp chiseling WILL come your way through whatever means the Lord chooses to use.

Be bendable.

You have nothing to lose when someone corrects you in love, although sharp. The sharper the instrument, the better the chiseling on your soul, the clearer the cut is on a default within you.

You bend, you heal, you grow. You gain.

We will continually experience our flesh and its whining, but the Lord gives us the dominion over our own flesh to submit it to His Spirit, it IS possible therefore to overcome ourselves, only switch your mindset and take dominion over yourself. You can do it, with our Lord Jesus Christ.

Have an open mind to the Lord and limit Him not...

I pray we all grow in our God-given identity more and more, and that we all build each other for this, with understanding for one's own weaknesses and faults, yet, determined not to sluggish in our pits, but ask Jesus Christ our Lord and Mama Mary to bring us out of them. Be willing to be made willing and extra patient. He brought me and many out of our long-lasting pits, and what a freedom that is! Mama Mia! I wish this for all to have. Pray and hope, and trust His plan and timing about you. Stay united in the Lord Jesus Christ and in each other.

I pray all doubts be clarified, the questions of the heart answered, so we all be on the same Mind and Heart. The Holy Spirit will reveal and teach you much, if only you remain open to Him. There is much to unlearn and relearn, according to His Kingdom, not according to the World's system and rule.

Practice daily self-discipline.

Seek the silence of the mind and heart so that the Holy Spirit will have more of you, YOU will have MORE of Him!

Don't be troubled with the Noises of the World, keep yourself intact. Observe, but be not consumed and submersed in their affairs. Stand and watch what the Lord does, how He does it, and you will be glad to see the Moves and Fingerprints of our Lord Jesus Christ all around the World, your family, and yourself.

Be extra patient, and forgive yourself for all the times you mess up. Give forgiveness to others, and to yourself. You are strong enough to say, "Enough is enough," about your own misery and submit wholly to the Lord... mentally, physically, your life, your peers, yourself, etc.

The great Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be on you all to grow in your God-given identity!

We'd love to see you all step up and be full in Him, your WHOLE beautiful self!

Be encouraged,

Keep growing humbly.

Much is yet in store for you.

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