"If I may, Lord, what we (You and I) spoke of this night, would You help me understand? What is Your Will about it?"
"Many question this," He said, "as it is understandable they need guidance and instruction about the ways of life, for the Lord."
"Remember the time when Moose's father kept himself from sleeping with his wife? There are such times as these where both man and woman can agree of a certain time limit to keep themselves from having intercourse, this keeps them from falling into sin unto each other if they are unwilling or needing for a rest of conceiving.
"And if they still desire each other, their love for each other can be expressed in various holy ways before My eyes. This too would involve themselves keeping from intercourse if so they wish for a rest and recovery of body and soul, mentally and physically, without losing the touch of loving each other. They can express their love in myriad ways within their marriage covenant bed.
"One thing for sure, as you have perceived by My Spirit: contraceptive (preservatives) and abortions are definitely out of question. One can and should keep himself holy unto Me without these practices."
Let's say, Lord, one year... A woman would desire recovery of bearing and conceiving for minimum one year, yet there would be definitely times where, if they cannot hold it, they would have intercourse.
"Then, it's in My hands if conception occurs or not. As always it has been. It is not a 'harsh' consequence, but it is a result of their decision to Unite, and if I bless the womb with the Fruit of the Womb, then that is in My Will and I will yet again support the womb, father and mother with all needed. It's just a matter of being willing in this case to allow Me yet again to create and fashion a new human being for My Kingdom come and My Will be done on Earth through this new Vessel I would fashion. It is a matter of being willing too, to keep oneself, as mentioned above, from having intercourse with his wife if both are agreeable on this matter. This would be a time of rest unto them, spirituality and physically, as long as they can handle it.
"Abandonment to My Will, nonetheless, is the key.
"Many people fret when a conception happens right after having given birth a few months ago. They worry of their ability to supply the needs that will come with the child, adding one more to the family. They worry, and worry archives certainly nothing at hand at all.
"You have to be aware that if so it happens short time after giving birth to a child, I have My eyes and hands on you, My Beloved [woman], and there is yet again No Mistake from My part that there is a Human Seed planted within your secret womb walls. Be willing, if I so Will it. For you can see if the mind and soul are weary – which I understand the burden of your heart and body –  if your are set with the mind of 'weary', you will hardly find joy in this yet another child I am sending down on earth. Not looking at the baby with joy as the other ones, but in burdened weary lenses, making your soul even more heavier. Your abandonment to My Will be done, is your healing. As you accept My Will, your soul will find rest. As long as you resist and counter My Will, you will not find rest for your soul, mind, heart, and body. Only in My Will for you will you be at inner holy peace, no matter what transpires around you.
"Hold unto Me, and I will guide you further. Let go of fretting and worries. Am I not your God, the Living One? Why do you worry? Why are you preoccupied and busy your mind with thoughts that drain you of energy? Strength your Mental Field! And allow Me to continually grow you up out of your Self. Trust Me, and everything will be alright. No matter what."
I see the Lord giving a kiss of consolation to the soul.
"But I understand her toil and burden," He says unto me as an aside.
In a further understanding, the Lord continues:
"A man needs his wife to release himself. The wife needs her husband to release herself. Yet all this without intercourse if they so agreed. One is not to release himself on his own, it is the conjugal duty of the spouse to meet this need with great love for the other, just as he himself would have it done unto him. I understand the human body and hormones very well, so find not fault with this when it is needed. Do not be afraid, I have My ways with you." He says.
Hmm-mm, Lord, I'm a little shaky to type [this]...
"Nobody educated mankind properly about this, so I do it, as only I can do it [educate about the topic]." He smiles.
Truly, truly...
"Blessed is the household who has many of the Fruit of the Womb... for My Will IS being done!" He smiles again. "Few or many, as many as I give, they all belong to Me, My children, fashioned after Myself [His image]. Yes!"
"And where I send My Will, I also send My Supply and Support, for My Will to be done and accomplished – as it is accepted by them, and not rejected."
And also, in a previous message, the Lord had mentioned that when the husband and the wife engaged with each other, next time they come to the Lord, or right after the moment, have them confess Lust [to the Lord], for not once are we safe from it [when in the act].