For a flock, for a family, to remain intact, (talking now about the children, the sheep), it is maintained united when one lays down his life for another. This includes the meaning of laying down his self-will, pride, his stubbornness, and rather serves, forgives, and stays in the Spirit of the Lord, not in their own self, the fallen self. All this is possible only through our Jesus Christ, aside from Him we cannot do anything good, neither in action, thought, or speech. So, each, individually, make the Lord Jesus Christ your priority number One. You first belong to Him, so stay in Him, you will experience the effects of not staying rooted in Him, you will feel the difference.Â
Listen to the shepherds He appointed over you to care for your welfare in the flock, and in this, grow in YOUR relationship with Your Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, the Shepherd of us all.Â
If you do not understand what the human shepherds are doing, bring the issue to the Lord and tell Him, He in turn will definitely work it out in them if there is a need for adjustment.Â
Remember, a family and a Flock blossom where there is mutual respect, humility, honor for each other, even if you see them fall.Â
Who didn't fall at all? What makes one greater than the other? Position, wisdom, more messages from the Lord?
It's all about honoring them, love them, and know you are no better.
All are the same before the Lord Jesus, it's just one was given more responsibility based on their capacity of how He made them. We all have our share and place, our tasks to do, none is smaller or bigger than the other. So all do what the Lord tells you to do.Â
You know little things are born first before the "great" things come.Â
The world right now is constantly being divided through many tactics and strategies of Satan, the Body of Christ was long divided by a schism too, where One became two.... Then one part was even more divided over the centuries...Â
You know our Lord Jesus Christ originated the Heartdwellers Community to "repair the Breach" where the Body of Christ is no longer in a Schism mechanism or System as we see it in the world, but rather where the Body is One again, under the same Truths, same Spirit. Where you gather the Fruits of the Spirit and throw away the man-made ones. THAT is the Body of Christ.Â
You know in Heaven nobody is defined at sight by "you are catholic", "you are Protestant", "you are orthodox"... You are aware of where they came from, their background on earth, but that matters not in Heaven, for ALL are ONE. One Body! So live likewise here on Earth, while you ARE on Earth.Â
In the end all that matters is that you learned how to love, just as you are loved. That's the whole mission on earth; learn to love, just as you are loved. Learn to be open to the Holy Spirit and relearn, for He shapes you anew according to the image of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord is not a Box, so do not settle your mind and heart inside a Box, square and limited. Let the Holy Spirit rule you, then truly you will be free from this world's things, and from your own self and the flesh.Â
Of course we continually will battle our own selves, so expect not perfection. We will keep falling, we will at times bump heads again, but stay not there, and choose the better. Get up and fly again. Don't be willingly stuck in the mud and mire.Â
Why do we grumble? Because it all originates in the Self. "What I want, how I see it, how I want it to be," that's self and pride, wanting your own way done rather than how the Lord makes it happen.Â
It is right when a parent knows the "right way" of things, when a leader knows best by the Lord Jesus Christ, so you can understand the frustration they feel when stubbornness is shown to them by their fellows. If you were to carefully look at yourself, anything outside the harmony of the Holy Spirit, originates in, "Me, myself, and I,"...the ego, the self.Â
That is why, "die to yourself, and follow Me. If you cannot do it, you cannot be My disciples."Â
Remember how the Lord said, "every leader is to be a servant", so if you serve, you are a beautiful example for others to follow. Rebuke your own pride and give glory to God, not to your own name. Then you are safe!Â
Let this be the prayer of your hearts, "Let us all be of One mind and heart, one spirit in the Lord." Over you, your families, our community. And if anyone in our circle is not so, is rather rooted in the world, in their own atmosphere, you keep watch over your own heart and mind first, pray, live as you are called to live and this in itself is a heavy witness to them. Let the Lord move them around, He knows how to swift people. You are responsible before the Lord Jesus Christ for your own soul first, so keep watch over yourself, for you impact those around you, knowingly or unknowingly.Â
I am not alluring you to "be perfect, act perfect, have it all together," that's not my approach. Just remember that even if you fall, humility works the best out of you. So act in humility after a fall, act in humility in a victory, for then you truly succeed in the Lord and you grow gorgeous.Â
Our leaders are also not perfect, so rebuke pride whenever you find fault with them and call them out yourself. How can a child openly rebuke a parent before all eyes? Go rather, if need be, one on one and mention the issue at hand and settle it privately. The LORD will correct them, worry not, He is faithful in doing that!Â
The leaders will be asked for an accounting before Jesus Christ, for the souls in their flock, as they have been placed responsible for their care and welfare. So pray the leaders, no matter what or how it goes, that they be pleasing to the Lord of Hosts, and that they succeed in Him! Either with a vast number of sheep behind them or in a small number.Â
The Lord will lead each on how to pray, what to do, just be attentive and discerning in the Spirit of the Lord.Â
If a discernment somehow goes wrong, (because we continually are learning the ways of discernment), be not somber or distressed, turn instantly to the Mind of Christ and trust Him, sooner or later things are brought to the surface and are revealed for what they are, why this or that happen this way or that way, just be patient, the Lord works in a way we do not understand.Â
Always root yourself in trusting the Lord Jesus no matter how things turn around, either the way you expected, or different and suddenly surprising to you. God is God after all, He loves to do things HIS way.Â