The Lord begun,
“The stars in heaven shine for you, to look upon them and remind you of Me. Times are dark and gloomy as it appears, but the lights are there to remind you I am here.
"Isn’t it easier when you focus on Me rather than the storm? Away from its gloominess and downfalls? So focus on Me evermore and drench your soul with ponderings of Me. My love for you, our oneness and relationship—everything that is sweetening your soul and heart—take delight in that. Do not allow the darkness to take hold of your thoughts, not even for a moment, for precious is your mind and heart, to these I wish to fill them more and more until you truly fly freely over any stormy clouds, until no stormy wind quakes your grounds or shakes your soul, so riveted in Me I wish you to be.
“I know there are falls due weakness, I take that into consideration and help you once again to try better. It is a good practice to thank Me more even when falling, because after all—all is good with Me.
“Would you try onward this mindset? It will be one that frees you of every concern that tries to invade your grounds. It will free you to break free and soar on high with Me above those clouds. My grace does reaches for you, and with the aid of My Mother you will accomplish this to your heart’s delight. Remember, even in falling, maintain a grateful heart. Always strive to find the good side of things and remember that I am in control of all that happens to you, around you, in you, and even in places you do not know of yet—because you are MINE! And with Me, you can be totally at rest and trust in your Beloved, He is trustworthy!” He smiles, mentioning to Himself as loyal and fidel.
“Muse yourself into My depth. Recapitulate the events we went through, fill yourself in Me—SWITCH COURSE, and My Spirit will sail onward on these waters of our adventures in life.
“Remind yourself how loyal and faithful God is. Drench yourself into this. Even when you cannot see it or sense any grip of help in your trial, by the act of your own Free Will you can extend your arm and I will dig you out and support you with My righteous right hand. You need not fear, truly, any darkness or trial, nor test. For in all this, I help and sustain you with My grace, which is enough at all times and seasons I arrange for you. In trying you, you realize your mistakes and in turn are humbled, and then arises the desire to try again with My Spirit by your side. In all these, We are here—in both good and bad times (which I turn to good in the end!)
“In the areas you see that needs work to be done, apply yourself with My loving Mother’s hand and heart, and together we will meet the course till the end. Do not be dismayed again, yes? Arm yourself with faithful trust in Me, in My love and sovereignty. If the enemy lies to you, take refuge in My heart and hold fast to My Words and promises. I am your Refuge Place.
“Do your best with all I demand of you. Not done in fear and scrupulous shaking of time or failing. Do them as unto Me. For Me, to Me—Bear fruit! and ripe will be the harvest.
“Thank you for holding fast—even if you wish to run away sometimes.”
I paused.
Run away? I thought. Was I?
“At times,” he replies, “but I take you unto Myself, and that is the BEST running away you can have!” he exclaims pleased.
Many such times, I remember now, He took me to a heavenly place when He held, consoled, or healed the broken-me of then.
“Yes! No matter where you think you would desire to go on this earth, whatever the place, the best one is in My arms. That is your strength, your true comfort, the best one you can choose! You can go there at any time, as you know, from whatever place. Just close your eyes and meet Me there, for I am more than desirous to meet you My beloved and hold you to My heart’s content. A moment with you is better than all places you could go to. But even were I to lead you somewhere else, always go there with Me. Take Me always by the hand and forget not that I am ALWAYS besides you, in you, all round you. Train yourself to see Me and walk with you on the roads and streets—and do not run away from Me when you catch yourself falling! [he adds like a mother would, and a caring Lover].
“Like I said, I see you trying, I see and I honour, so do not run away from Me. Do not avert the eyes and your heart away and far off. Come to Me and stay there, I will do the rest in you. Yes?”
Yes, Lord, by YOUR grace.
“Hold Me and embrace Me. Come fast back to Me and adore Me! I love to be with you. Your love for Me is beautiful and endures—‘all because of Me,’ yes!” He adds, as I was thinking of saying to Him that it is due to Him that it is so.
“Oh! You are yet to flourish more and more! Ever more! [he seems desirous for this, and longing for this hope to swiftly come to pass].
“Rest your weary head on Me and find your delight, in all times, in doing My will and knowing I love you through all good and bad moments. For I am a loving Spouse and lover of your soul. You are mine!” He said, seeing in the spirit a red heart and then a flying kiss from Him.
“Stay here, and love Me more. I will teach you more about love.”
“Try to enjoy life more, and smile more. A smile tells many love stories from the soul. Tell them of My love through your smiles and gazes. This I will do as you allow Me to.”
[sigh] It all looks loving [all He just said], but at times it is difficult to do it as the clouds rotate all around us….
“I know. I know it well. At times you are more in the garden with Me, crying and sweating blood rather than smiling. But like Me, surrender to the will of the Father and find your inner peace knowing He is doing all according to His good and gracious plan in a widespread point of view. In the times of carrying the cross, where pain and heaviness is on you, do take a shoulder with Me and hold fast to the cross. Each step gets you closer to the destination. Yes, it might lead you to Calvary, but when I am with you, caring the burden and pain through all with you and besides you, focus on Me—I am your peace even if you were to bleed. After the suffering comes to joy of the victory! Always remember that the CROSS brings victory. My victory! And I love you so—all of you [his brides]—for yielding to Me and My footsteps to the cross. Many wouldn’t go, but by the grace of My Father you come. You stay, and you love Me even then. Thank you! I can come to you both in joys and pain for you will not reject Me then. Thank you My adorable ones!” His heart goes out to all His little ones who sincerely love Him even unto the cross.
“Small and little they might be, but their hearts are for Me!” he concludes, “Amazing.”
Chuckling and happy for Him, I see in the spirit He gives a right cheek-kiss from the side view, while holding my other cheek with His hand.