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No Place for Worryness. Bold Childlike Faith

Hello, dear ones! The following message is a dialogue between Father Juniper and I on our discussion of the homilies of the gospel every time we have the Lord’s Supper. This will be the first dialogue that I will share with you, and it is to be expected that from now on there will be more such like-messages. I pray these short dialogues will bless you and fill you with the Holy Spirit and every richness of the Lord’s word during the Lord’s Supper Gospels.

Fr. Juniper: (…) So that’s totally fitting with Thérèse [of Lisieux]! Being like children, being just in the trust of the Lord…! The Lord reveals that’s who we are, Heartdwellers! You know, we are always, you know, counted on--- “Oh you are not a priest, you are not that!!”—a child would say, “The Lord told me this, and then it’s fine! My Father told me I’m OKAY, my Father told me I’m a priest, that’s okay—I am! Because my Father told me so!”

Sr. Therese: [Chuckles]

Fr. Juniper: This is why, you know? “Yes, because my Father told me to do this. I believe in this!”

“How can you make it with the money!!!? How can you do this!!? Your life—look at your life!!! How do you think about it, how do you get your money and your food!!!?”

“…The Lord is providing, He promised me this. Why should I not believe Him? The Father takes care of us! So long as we do His Will and we follow Him!”— you know, like a child! — “The Father told me, ‘You just have to do what I tell you and everything is good,’ and that’s what I am doing!” —Finito.

Is it not good? This is what we have to do and always remind us and exercise EVERY DAY because we have SO MUCH worries…… We worry……—yes, we worry…. A child doesn’t worry.

Every day is a welcomed day to exercise to be like children, to trust in the Lord…. our Father, for everything. And the best is, in my life, I have SO MANY testimonies…—there is NO PLACE for worryness!

When you are childlike looking up to the Lord….—forget it! That’s only our own problem when we are worried when this is coming… We just have to look upon the Lord and say, “Look! My children! They are the biggest citizens in Heaven! The greatest ones among all.” 

And it’s in the spiritual realm, that trust should be childlike! A child trusts his Father BLINDLY! You don’t even question it.

Mother…Therese, what do you wanna say?

Sr. Therese: …It’s actually true, because, you know, today with this news that I have to tell them, it’s kind of a little bit like worrying… and then when you said right now, ‘a child trusts his Father blindly,” – it stood out to me! “Just remember again, it’s Me who is doing this,” “Whatever the outcome, just do it because you have to do it, and that’s it! Just leave the rest to Me.” 

…We read also today in the Office Readings, she [Thérèse of Lisieux] said, “Everything I want to do is love,” so the same a child, everything they do is love. Loving.

Everything! — like enjoying the nature in love, like yesterday you did with the starts, that’s also like doing in love, for the Lord—

Fr. Juniper: Oh yes, totally!

Sr. Therese: So….

Fr. Juniper: Yeah, our hearts are burning for love!! When I see all this, I cannot deny! I cannot deny the Lord. My point is only to trust, the faith, we just have to take care of this.

Sr. Therese: And it’s actually pretty comforting that there is this childlike way to follow because when you are to look at the other saints, they all have these penances and all of this stuff… – Thérèse [of Lisieux] said like, “When I look at all the saints do, I was so dismayed because I couldn’t take it on myself,” so she was finding another way… the little way, like a child. The Lord revealed to her, “This is the childlike way!” So when you follow this way, it like so… [sigh of relief].

Fr. Juniper: Yes…

Fr. Juniper: There is no worry. For you, the father was the best, your mother was the best, you were close, you know, everything was fine. But the Father in Heaven…when you experienced Him…! You know what, we have too much testimonies! And that means not that it is easy, but it’s beautiful with the Lord, you always get comforted. Just two days here was so intense…! I don’t know what was actually going on, but I know—I was holding on to Jesus, and that’s it! …. Preaching the Word with drunken people!...—

Sr. Therese: [Chuckles]

Fr. Juniper: —…drunken Italians! (…) Doesn’t matter who it was! So much love already grows!! The people NEED JESUS! They need—they are in need of love…. We all are in need of love.

Or what you did with the focaccia, with the bread—wonderful!

So we already come here, even if we are not even settled down with all our ministry, we are already zack-zack!! — and so you don’t worry, you know, the Other Side is already like [BAH!] FURIOUS! “How dare they are!!” right?

It’s not about the amount you bring them, ALL these kinds of bakeries there! …The point is that you realize it with the heart, and you see them and look at them like Jesus!

I wanted to look back on this young man, and he was smiling! ...this love was in…—there was a smile!! And you know, here comes the other woman, “…Benedici,” huh! 

Sr. Therese: Mh-mm!

Fr. Juniper: I was like “…wow…” Perfect!

Fr. Juniper: So that’s a good in for you too, you know. You just, go there, “Father, you tell me that I have to tell this—” it doesn’t matter what others say! Because there is only one Father and one Mother. The Truth. That is our Lord, and Mama Mary.

Sr. Therese: Yes…

Fr. Juniper: Amen!

Sr. Therese: Amen…


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