Jesus and I spoke of marriage here, among other things — our marriage with Him. He brings up and mentions the thoughts I’ve had at times when looking at other saints, at other brothers and sisters. The following dialogue is from back in January 2022.
“Our Marriage” Talk
I began:
Today was my confession, and as my penance, I have among the topics, coming to hear the Lord’s voice daily, lovingly and not rushing to ministry tasks or whatnot. Under obedience, I came to sit with Jesus.
Our Lord’s Supper today was cheerful, as I asked Mama [Mary] to help with my faith since it gets attacked during the Lord’s Supper. And it was cheerful! The readings were of The Holy Trinity: God is One in their mystery of Union [That’s one of the Themes]. That I am chosen to be His own; made a child of His; being a disciple means putting faith in the teacher, having a person-to-person relationship with Him; Jesus sends us out as His children to tell of Him, as He Himself is with us. It was interesting!
And also, I was told the news that a friend of mine is getting married to a person I know. You can guess I was happy but also struggled with jealousy, to be honest. Comparing myself to them, as if wanting that kind of holy“close-to-touch” marriage, over marriage with Jesus seemingly “separate by an unseen veil.” Yes, once again, it served to expose my heart to the unperceived evil hidden in there. So, thank you, Lord and Mother. Anyway, in the end, I rejoice with the one who rejoices and moved on past these temptations and fleshiness.
. . . . . .
I came to sit with Jesus. I began;
Well, Lord, I am here! (chuckles)
“It has been long since we spoke!” He replied.
It has. Forgive me! I’ve been rushing around trying to run away from hearing Your voice and be doing, accomplishing tasks. Partially lazy, fearful, and prideful too.
I do think “how or what You would be speaking with me DAILY?” As if we would run out of subjects, or we would repeat the same topics over and over again. So I just did not come…. Feels bad for that. But being here now, I’ll be here to listen even if it’s a simple sentence or a word, daily…. Lord help me…!
He laughs and begins to say:
“But yes, the point in coming to listen to Me is not namely to get messages out of Me. It is just for the sheer pleasure of having you in My presence and having you listen to Me say whatever I might say. The fear and the doubt do prevent Me from giving you something new, so to say.”
I guess it is unbelief too.
“In a sense.” He said. “But a spirit of unbelief I did not give you. I give you faith. Faith in action to type down the words – either new words or old ones.”
Hmmm. Got to be honest, when I type them down and later on I come back and reread all, I’m like, ‘Aw Jesus spoke!’ or anybody in heaven to this matter. But it’s so sweet to go back and reread old journals!
“It deepens faith.” He affirmed. “That’s how it’s supposed to be.”
Lovely! I said.
“Ha! I’m lovely I know.” He jokingly said. He was funny. But He smirked and added, “…It’s not a joke.” “But I’m glad you’re here. I kinda missed you.” And not knowing how to react I stopped typing a bit. “I truly did,” He added innocently.
Then, we continued:
“So, shall we talk about our marriage?” He asked intrigued.
Umm, a sensible touching subject, Lord. Mainly that I feel like a toddler in Your hands rather than a mature wife. [Chuckles] But ok, let’s talk.
He began,
“Your marriage with Me is one of a kind, it’s not like any other you have seen or witnessed with My brides in the past. They all have their unique touch to them. One cannot fully imitate the other, just as no soul can be imitated by design to another. So, I see you compare at times how we walk together to those of others who had walked with Me. I understand your zeal and fervor to be pleasing to Me and to be used to do great things, but that comes with time. It’s a process. And I wish you would be okay with that in the now — in the moment. Don’t give your gaze unto the unknown uncertain future, it steals your peace and joy of the moment. Do look at the past and draw inspiration from those who have walked before you, but don’t dwell there. Your proper time and place is here, in the now. With Me. I have given you the blessing to be on in THIS time and frame, so be okay with that, and be assured you are blessed just as they have been in their walk with Me back then.
“Many times, I work in ways unbeknownst to you, and it is My delight to use you to manifest My glory to the people and the world. But I need your cooperation to accept yourself as you are. I have a plan for you and I’m working to bring it to pass. Thus, it is not fitting to have you compare yourself with the others brother and sisters. And please, don’t allow yourself to fall into judgment with yourself, confused or comparing one walk with the other.
“Find your peace of being made as I made you. Our relationship is blooming and that is beautiful and all that matters. Leave the rest with Me!
“I, your lovely husband, will take it unto Myself to see you being healed of your inner ills. They will come to pass eventually and you will see how great a purpose they had during your life with Me on earth.
“I truly love you beyond comprehension and one day you will feel the full force of this love I have towards you!” At this moment I released a strong laugh as I was typing it. Jesus continued, “YOU MIGHT FEEL IT A BIT OFF that I express such great strong love for you, but truly as a flower might not be totally aware how beautiful and appreciated it is, so is your case.
“But, every means of love you express toward Me and send flying My way is a melting bomb to My heart and I am left there full in heart at this sweet gesture of honest affection. What is little for you, is amplified multiple times in My sight. Oh, how great it is, to have the love of a soul! Not entirely by her own merits, but it is such a mystery, it consumes its Maker.” Jesus said. “And thus, MORE LOVE is gushed forth from His heart.” Wow...! I ponder this for a moment.
Lord, it seems to me most of Your messages seem to speak of love!
“The main topic of heaven—My love.” He replied.
“Yeah! I LOVE to speak about love. I could go on, and on, and on, and on, and still have something else to say about it!“ He Laughs. And that love, is yours.”
“Love expels fear. Drowns the darkness. Frees the captive, even in his own mind-cage. Many are entrapped in the cage of their mind, filled with many lies and condemning words. My love teaches you to swim in turbulent waters. Love teaches you to walk on a thin thread. Love abounds, from the tiniest creature to the biggest space and angel created. All came from the pure motive of love.
“That is why it is the theme of heaven!“
Hmm. It sounds delicious to the spirit but seems so difficult at times to express it, Lord.
“For that you need Me. Love expressed is love that ‘saves’. Saving a brother from a pit of darkness, saving a sister from a fall into depression. Saving a starving soul from hunger. Saving a child from loneliness. Or saving a person from being consumed into discouragement—simply by your act of being there to ask them “how are you’, if they need any help with anything, how are they doing, giving a listening ear to them as called for it.
“Love is born in little things, and as it grows, it becomes a giant. And the giant keeps growing.” He said.
So, if we want to love much and greatly, we have to start with little token things.
Jesus continued, “At every little opportunity during the day. Even if one missed the opportunity, I generously give them another chance! I want them to grow in love, and I don’t withhold My hands from granting such bountiful opportunities. Such as even taking the trash out. Washing dishes that were not yours to wash. Setting something in place that would have bothered the person you live with just to keep him from falling into a trap of discontentment. There are many opportunities. And I wish you all nail them!”
Now that would be awesome!! I want that!! But I truly do need Your help. I keep messing up. And many times, they might not be motived by love but by self.
“That is something that I will mend.” He said.
Thank you, Lord. It must be sweet to finally be able to love freely and cheerfully.
“And many wish for that, it’s the oppression of earth and the enemy that makes it heavy toil on them, even against their will.”
We need heart surgery, Lord…
“Oh, how I wish for that! And many are having a transplant of hearts. Heaven granting new hearts to those who hunger after righteousness. I cannot deny them such a plea when they wish to love Me and their brother through Me! It is My delight to see the hearts change into My own! It comes with a battle [inner battles; outer events] but the battle proves it worth it.
“I thank you for having asked for My heart and that of My Mother’s. We both gladly do give them to you!”
Now I’m a little bit afraaaid, thinking I will fail, nonetheless.
“Oh, you keep your eyes on Me, will you??” He chided with chuckles. “I take care of you even when you fail. Falling should not bother you when you desire to please Me, I hone humility like that in you. I am answering your plea to have true gut-real humility. Don’t fear to be found falling. Trust in Me more and more. I am pleased with your efforts. Know that!”
Hmm, you’re right Lord.
“So, shall we walk hand in hand, as a daddy and a daughter, as most infinite friends, as most intimate friends, as the purest spouse and a lover of your soul who adores you through it all? It’s not in vain that I said “nothing, absolutely nothing will separate you from Me and from My love for you.” That is My truth! It is well to tug it in your heart and live it out in action. Make My truth your truth. Truth will save you.
“Don’t fear intimacy with Me. My mother will guide and teach you on the path of marriage with Me. You are her little one, I had entrusted you to her, and she will take good care of you in the long run until the very end. She will do wonders in your character and persona. I shall be seen in you. And yes, you are sealed in My heart.”
Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Mama. Thank you for this love talk and marriage talk, Lord.
“Thank you for listening.” He said gratefully.