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HOLY SPIRIT Letter, Part 1 | Community is a Family-Setting | Shepherds


Community works like a Family-setting. We all experienced in our families how hurtful it is when our mother and father are divided or argue. We all experience a joy and peace when we see them enjoying themselves, their company, their words, their deeds. Then the house was whole. Even if siblings argue or fight, if the father and the mother are united and equally-yoked in their standing, the house stands, for they are ruling and guarding their territory and treasured ones (their flock, the kids.)

A Father and a Mother do their duties that are due to them and this does not imply that the children will fully understand them as of what they are doing, how they do it, why they do it. The parents work at a different level that kids don't understand. When they grow up, due to their Free-Will and their own choice, older children depart from their home, for good or for bad, after the parents have done all in their power to take good care of them and grow them up well. Now the kid takes his own choice and path. He leaves the nest. The Lord knows and watches.

In a community it is the same. When the Father and the Mother are well-yoked in Jesus Christ, the Flock flourishes, they grow in a safe protected environment. When the Heads are divided, the Flock follows the same, they are divided too.

The Lord stresses we pray for our leaders, the shepherds He put in charge of our care, truly, if the shepherds go down, the flock is dispersed and easily the enemy stanched one by one. So let us pray our Leaders grow in their God-given authority and identity, for likewise, we will grow. The Flock will be mutually of one mind and heart with/in the Lord Jesus Christ, with the whole unity of members.

I experience the safety of a man firmly rooted in the heart and will of Jesus Christ and how those around him, his flock, feel the safety and growth it produces in them. All is rooted in Jesus, all rotates around Him, and nothing is done that is not the will of the Lord.

For us to be of one mind, heart, and spirit, we need to be firm on the same Foundation, without division. It is important to be open to "listen and learn", "listen and relearn", because it is like that that the Lord is forming us in One Mind and Spirit. If you hold to your own self-ideas when He is trying to teach you or widen your view, what good is that to you?

It all rotates around Jesus Christ and what He wills. Just like it is done in Heaven, so it is to be on Earth. All in Heaven do the will of the Father. And did the Father not say, "This is My Son, listen to Him"? Thus, whatever the Lord Jesus Christ directs, it is the will of the Father that is being done.

Imagine the harmony of Heaven! The peace and joy they experience! What a wonder. Of course down here on earth we are with struggles, so it is a bit different, we are Works in Progress, but yet fully fulfilled He sees us.

Sheep in the flock will bump each other's heads once in a while, but they still remain and abide in the same flock under the same shepherd, unless they refuse to stay and choose to stray from the flock.

It is normal that we would have conflicts among each other, that even happens among siblings, but the final end is foremost important as both choose to lay down their self-will and rather be united again. For in division nothing blossoms. So if you want to be divided, choose your own self-will and what you want, aside from Jesus Christ and apart from your flock... See how that works.

A shepherd who takes the lead when a wolf comes, when he is discerning and sees the danger, the flock knows and sees, the flock feels the safety they are given. Pray for this in our shepherds, because there are many wolves, and discernment is needed to be kin, their souls and hearts need to be deep in the Beloved Lord, if not, they will not see the danger.

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