Undergoing through some stress and inner disorder for some days a while back in Germany, still feeling the usual inner battles, Daddy God began to speak to me while I was with Him.
“My daughter, why do you persist in your own ways and thoughts? Why do you keep relying on your own understanding?
"I have cleansed you with My blood and redeemed you from the shackles of captivity. Why do you allow them to feed off of you? They do try to sneer at you at every corner and at each trial in an attempt to get the best out of you, sucking in into themselves and leaving you shriveled.
“I know how hard it is to deal with mental and emotional oppression but hold fast—do not give in to discouragement. Do not forsake the good path chosen for you.
"Apart from Me, where would you go? To whom will you run for shelter, healing, and comfort? Nobody can give you that, for only I can give it to you. It is pleasing to Me to see you walk and stand during each test and trial. Things will not get lighter I must say, but I make them light for you when you gaze at Me in tune.”
It's just that there is so much misunderstanding..... more than I perceive I bet. Like I said during the Supper, Lord the more You bless me, the more wretched I perceive myself to be.
"You are blessed to perceive your wretchedness.” He said, “Your eyes are opened to your nature state, to your faults, your mistakes, because you need to see the big plank in your eye before you tell your brother of the speck in his eye. (Matt 7:3-5)
"It is always a sure and safe place to be in when seeing yourself as I see you—it is always a blessing to know yourself. How else would you grow into the child I made you to be? The process to it is sure, and the path is laid out for you to walk in, and perceiving your faults is one of the puzzles.
"See it as having open eyes; you realize and see clearly more and more the weaknesses you have. So it is not a bad thing to be able to perceive your faults more and more. I bless you with this. In the process of seeing yourself, you learn the power of My love and mercy for you and all your brothers and sisters. It is a good thing in the sight of Heaven to see as they see, and they see you clearly indeed, nothing is hidden from their eyes for they see as Heaven sees. All is open to them that is why they know how to pray exactly in accordance with My will for a soul, the Spirit is strong and active in them!
“So, hold fast to My hand. Don't let it go even when you have a feeble grip and weak inner strength. I will never abandon you in your miserable states. Learn to have greater and firmer trust and confidence in Me. All these areas you struggle with will be conquered as you set firm hope in My mercy—in My love for you."
How do I do with all these voices, legalism, etc., that happen so often?
“I have given you My Truth [His Word], study it and wrap it deep and upon the walls of your conscience. Who I tell you that you are, THAT is who you are! The promises I give you, those are promises to sand on—firm like flint.
"Part of this is also a suffering and a cross, it also serves to build you up in areas of your character. Nothing, absolutely nothing of what I allow is to cause damage to your persona. This is to bring out your true God-given persona.
"You have noticed that through each trial I allow, gradually there are more and more inflated sparks to domain and overcome the weakness perceived during the trial.
"The trials expose weakness, My Spirit insufflates more fervently upon your soul to be zealous in spirit and truth to overcome, to be made pure. He gives you the inspiration not to crumble under the weight of sins perceived, nor of weaknesses and new faults brought to the surface— Can't you see how blessed you are to see it !?” He had a strong zealous ardor.
"E.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g is for the good of a soul. So, cast not your soul into an abyss of dismay and misery. Cast yourself into My arms and have the mind of a child who trusts. Daddy is here to keep you for eternity! I am building you up and I love you greatly each day and night.
"Allow the falls you have to shape you in humility. Do not go on tormenting your soul for falling. You are a human child, but now that you are My child, trust your Daddy to dig you out and cleanse you of any mire stuck to you.”
Thank you, Daddy, for teaching me Your ways and to listen to Your truths.
“My delight it is to hold you as My own forever. Have peace. Be at peace.”
You are not so much troubled, are you Daddy?
[Chuckle] I saw Him on the throne, looking young, shiny, and smiling with His eyes on me with a calm face. Calmly, He gave me a side smile in response to my question. Surely He is at peace in all of this.
"Continue to set your will on Me." He concluded.
I had taken the time afterward to take my meal even though it was 3 PM...and as I was eating, I realize a quiet, calm, peaceful air was over me, “I am at peace??…” No longer in a rush of disorder that I sensed for a few days now. Truly like He said, His word manifested and took place; I was with an inner peace that lasted for the day, and even the next days ahead.